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"Take a journey while reading the poem below to learn about a subject close to my heart."-Sandy McLaren Day
"Take a journey while reading the poem below to learn about a subject close to my heart."-Sandy McLaren Day
My Final Answer
Immorality was ignored for the economics of trade.
Who can be blame?
The first to invade?
The Portuguese set foot on Goreè Island in 1444,
they built a slave house and opened up its brutal door;
The door of no return
reaped havoc, shattered thoughts and crippled dreams of being free.
Led to a life that forever victimized thee,
stole you from the beauty of your country,
and stripped you from your family.
Mandikas, Fulanis, Wolofs, all given a new identity.
Thrown and dragged into vessels as
human cargo, no longer warriors, now chattel.
Crammed into compartments that release a horrid smell,
struck with amoebic dysentery and scurvy due to lack of proper treatment.
No longer human-beings, but rather commodities;
Sold in exchange for muskets, sugar cane, tobacco and rum.
Did the Portuguese, French, Dutch, British and Spaniards really think this was sane?
Their detrimental behavior was imposed upon the black race, and all that participated, have been a disgrace!
Written by Sandy McLaren Day
Immorality was ignored for the economics of trade.
Who can be blame?
The first to invade?
The Portuguese set foot on Goreè Island in 1444,
they built a slave house and opened up its brutal door;
The door of no return
reaped havoc, shattered thoughts and crippled dreams of being free.
Led to a life that forever victimized thee,
stole you from the beauty of your country,
and stripped you from your family.
Mandikas, Fulanis, Wolofs, all given a new identity.
Thrown and dragged into vessels as
human cargo, no longer warriors, now chattel.
Crammed into compartments that release a horrid smell,
struck with amoebic dysentery and scurvy due to lack of proper treatment.
No longer human-beings, but rather commodities;
Sold in exchange for muskets, sugar cane, tobacco and rum.
Did the Portuguese, French, Dutch, British and Spaniards really think this was sane?
Their detrimental behavior was imposed upon the black race, and all that participated, have been a disgrace!
Written by Sandy McLaren Day
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